Budget Impact Analysis of Drug X for Disease Y patients in England and Wales
Welcome to the York Health Economic Consortium budget impact model. This app was developed to assess the budget impact of Drug X for Disease Y patients in England and Wales.

Use the inputs on this page to create the target population.
Current population:
Changes in the population:
Eligible population suitable for treatment:
Respond to Drug X treatment at 4 weeks:
Target population:
Uptake Rates
Use the inputs on this page to alter the market shares of Drug X.
Uptake of Drug X in Incidence Population (%)
Uptake of Drug X in Prevalent Population (%)
Patient numbers in a world without Drug X treatment:
Patient numbers in a world with Drug X treatment:
Drug X treatment:
Diet Only Treatment:
Total patients:
Cost Inputs
Use the inputs on this page to alter the market shares of Drug X.
Drug X cost reduction:
Drug X + restricted diet (Prevalent population)*
* Based on the weighted cost of the proportion of the population above and below the age of 18.
Restricted diet (Prevalent population)*
* Based on the weighted cost of the proportion of the population above and below the age of 18.
Drug X + restricted diet (Incident population)
Restricted diet (Incident population)
Cost Calculations
Total costs in a world without Drug X treatment:
Total costs in a world with Drug X treatment:
Drug X treatment:
Diet Only Treatment:
Total patients:
Summary of total annual costs with and without Drug X treatment based on market share data
Save current analysis settings
Use the 'Save state` button below to save and share the current model inputs.

Reset BIM
Use this button to reset all analysis/graphs in the BIM.
Please note: If you have restored the BIM using a URL that was previously saved, the reset button will only reset the BIM to the saved inputs and will not restore the base case results.