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Time series
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Wind rose
COZI location
This is air quality data from the National Centre for Atmospheric Science (NCAS) COZI* Laboratory at the Wolfson Atmospheric Chemistry Laboratories (WACL), University of York. The instruments are housed in COZI and the measurements are made from the WACL rooftop at ~10m through a 1 inch sampling manifold. The data shown here is not final but raw instrument data, and so it may therefore be subject to further calibrations. In addition the COZI is a working instrument characterisation facility and so gaps in the measurements may be necessary when instruments are being used for other routine work.
Please contact Katie Read for more information about these measurements or what the COZI has to offer the community. Meteorological data from the same location is also available on request.
*COZI - Characterisation (e.g. of Ozone measurements) and Intercomparison Laboratory