1. Pareto Dominance: At least one group is healthier, and no group less healthy.
  2. Total Health Superiority: Total health is higher, summing across all groups (i.e. the option lies to the North of the equity impact plane)
  3. Lorenz Superiority: Relative inequality is lower (i.e. the option lies to the West of the equity impact plane)
  4. First Order Stochastic Dominance: The option is better, if one accepts Pareto and anonymity (group identity does not matter).
  5. Generalised Lorenz Dominance: The option is better, if one accepts Pareto, anonymity, and the principle of health transfers (a hypothetical transfer of health from healthier to less healthy people ought to lead to a more equal health outcome).
  6. Second Order Generalized Lorenz: The option is better, if one accepts, Pareto, anonymity, health transfers, and the principle of downside positional transfer sensitivity (a transfer of health from one group to a less healthy group reduces inequality more when it occurs further down the distribution).


Baseline distribution

Atkinson index