Select whether the intervention population is defined by disease (ICD) code (e.g. C50, breast cancer) or risk factor (e.g. smokers). Multiple ICD codes and risk factors can be included.

Risk factor population

A list of ICD-10 code descriptions can be found here


Select within range of 1-100

Once complete, proceed to the 'CEA inputs' tab

Summary of socioeconomically varied parameters

Note: IMD1 is the most deprived group and IMD5 is the least deprived.

Downloadble report
A summary report can be downloaded by clicking the button in the 'Input summary' tab. The report contains key figures and tables produced in the 'Equity impact analysis' and 'Equity trade-off analysis' pages.

Download summary report


Note: Altering the inequality aversion parameter relates to the inequality impact and does not affect the population health impact.

About this application

This application was developed by James Love-Koh and Richard Cookson, Centre for Health Economics, University of York, with advisory input from Susan Griffin, Rita Faria and Fan Yang. The NICE Project Leads were Lesley Owen and Monica Desai.


For their helpful and detailed feedback on the draft calculator we would like to thank Deborah O’Callaghan, James Lomas, Mike Paulden and the many NICE officials, advisers and committee members that we consulted during development.

Key references

Below is a list of publications that detail some of the concepts and methods that have been used to build this calculator.

Overview of economic evaluation and equity concepts

Cookson, R., Griffin, S., Norheim, O.F., Culyer, A.J., Chalkidou, K., 2020. Distributional Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Comes of Age. Value in Health, 24(1), 118-120. [Link]

Cookson, R., Griffin, S., Norheim O.F., Culyer, A.J. (Eds), 2021. Distributional cost-effectiveness analysis: quantifying health equity impacts and trade-offs. Oxford University Press. [Link]

Distributional cost-effectiveness using aggregate data

Griffin, S., Love-Koh, J., Pennington, B., Owen, L., 2019. Evaluation of Intervention Impact on Health Inequality for Resource Allocation. Medical Decision Making, 39(3), 172–181. [Link]

Love-Koh, J., Cookson, R., Gutacker, N., Patton, T., Griffin, S., 2019. Aggregate Distributional Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Health Technologies. Value in Health, 22(5), 518–526. [Link]

Distribution of health opportunity costs of NHS expenditure

Love-Koh, J., Cookson, R., Claxton, K., Griffin, S., 2020. Estimating Social Variation in the Health Effects of Changes in Health Care Expenditure. Medical Decision Making, 40(2), 170–182. [Link]

Baseline levels of health inequality

Love-Koh, J., Asaria, M., Cookson, R., Griffin, S., 2015. The Social Distribution of Health: Estimating Quality-Adjusted Life Expectancy in England. Value in Health, 18(5), 655–662. [Link]

The inequality staircase effects of health interventions

Tugwell, P., de Savigny, D., Hawker, G., Robinson, V., 2006. Applying clinical epidemiological methods to health equity: the equity effectiveness loop. BMJ 332, 358–61. [Link]